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Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 22/01/2015
Klassetrin:1.g el. lign.
Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Bondstreet
The text is about a middle aged woman named Margaret, who often steals for her family home. She is quite good at it, and knows all the stuff you need to know, to not get caught. She even has a plan if that was to happen. So I guess you could say that she is pretty well prepared when she goes on her “shopping” sprees. She doesn’t like to ”shop though”. She thinks that the sales people are to no help and that the stores are way too crowded, which means she is only doing it because she feels like it is necessary for her. Margaret has a husband named Harry. He doesn’t seem to notice her weird shopping habits, and when he does, she has a good story to cover up her little “slip”. Her son Jerry is a bit suspicious though. He thinks it weird that his mother sends him expensive presents when he knows, they don’t have a lot of money. He doesn’t confront her though, instead he just let it go.

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