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Green street hooligan

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 10/01/2017
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christopherpedersen2 gav 3.8 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Green street hooligan
Skribentens beskrivelse af Green street hooligan
1) Give a full description of the characters - Matt: Matt was on Howard b4 he come to England. In the beginning of the movie matt was a pussy. Bower doesn’t like matt. He bcame better at fighting but in the end he was leaving the group and get on Howard again. Joined the cause pete - Pete: the little brother to the old leader. He was taking care of matt in the beginning, but when we came longer into the film he was saying stuff like you should go home. But he toked matt in and he was the leader. Joined the firm cause steve - Bower: he was the person next to the the start he was loyal and a good fighter. He doesn’t like matt in the beginning. I the middle he thought that matt was journalist he said to millwall that they should came and kick the shit out of them but in the end bower was loyal. - Tommy Hatcher: The leader of the millwall gang, he toked he’s kid into a fight and he died, he Is a old man but still a fighter he killed pete and tried to kill steve he burned the pub down the leader

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