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Uploadet: 24/03/2017
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Holes
Holes is a story about a boy called Stanley, all the men in his family was suffering from a curse. An old lady called Madame Zeroni casts the curse. It started back when Stanley’s great, great, grandfather, also called Stanley, lived. He wanted to marry a beautiful woman, but her father wanted a big pig. So Stanley went to get some help from Madame Zenoni. She told him to carry a pig up the mountain, until the pig is big enough. And in the end he had to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain. And if he didn’t do that she would cast a spell on him. When he delivered the pig to the girl’s father, she still didn’t want to marry him. So he just said that they could keep the pig. He went to America, and forgot all about carrying Madame Zenoni up the mountain. Then she cast a spell over him and the rest of his generation. But Stanley’s family didn’t believe in the curse, they just believe that they always are at the wrong place in the wrong time.

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