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Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 01/11/2019
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Transioin
My name is Sarahjudy and I'm gonna tell you about Youth culture. I'm primarily gonna write about the transition from child to adult, Gerta Thunberg, smartphones and social media as part of the transition. I'm gonna write about regional differences in English speaking countries and is freedom just another word for nothing left to lose? Transition the transition from child to adult can be hard, as a child you don't have responsibilities but as a teenager, you have the whole world on your shoulders, you have to think about the climate, because people won't stop talking about it, like we get it the world is dying and some of the youngsters are doing there best but there will also always, be the people who just don't care and that we can't do anything about it. When adulthood comes around your young days are gone and you have to think about money and how to get your life together. Gerta Thunberg Gerta Thunberg is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Sweden who is very upset, about how the world is behaving and she believes that the government isn't doing everything in there power, and they only talk about money when people are dying and suffering, she is very serious and passionate about what she believes in. She said at one point she was talking til the elderly were she said “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood' and in her eyes the older generation has turned their bags on us and didn't think ones about us, I think she has a good point because the older generation says they do everything they can but they don't, they only talk about money, they can do a difference if they want to, but they don't. Smartphones and social media as part of the transition? The transition from child to adult can be hard, and it can be even harder if you don't have a smartphone or any social media, if you don't have that it can be very hard to make friends or stay in contact with them and you can be a big outsider if you don't have a phone. I think it important that the parents let them have a phone, but i also think it's important that the parents keep a good eye on what they do on the phone or computer because cyberbullying is the most common reason people commit suicide, this became a big issue in 2011 where 2/10000 committed suicide because of cyberbullying. People can be rude but they can be cruel on the internet because they don't have to stand up and look them in the eyes, and say it so much easier to just write it on some kind of social network. But teenagers and parents have been killing themselves on their phones, and it can be hard to communicate with someone that is constantly on their phone there is so many kids who feel neglected, because their parents are always on their phones. Regional differences in English speaking countries There's a big defense between having money and having nothing, at the top we have for example Gerta Tunberg she is from Sweden and that is a rich country, she has the possibility to do a defense, she has enuff to do a defense and she has the possibility to fly to another country and talk about the problem but there a kids and adults who are struggling just to survive and i think to make a better investment everybody has to have a fair chance and if we don't start there we won't make a defense ever! Is freedom just another word for nothing left to lose? what is freedom? for me, freedom is where you have nothing that ties you down no social medias no family no home and no care in the world and nothing to lose? so yes freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, but you can be free in many ways, you can be free of work or responsibilities but are you really living your best life if you have nothing to live for, i would never have freedom but i would be free from some things of course

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