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Londons el chapos

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 17/03/2020
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Londons el chapos
Londons el chapos everybody had big jackets on. You couldn’t see them good enough. I was very hungry when we got to our hotel. Some of my friends told me to go and it at Nando’s because their chicken is good. We also don’t have Nando’s in Denmark. we finally got to Nando's and after that, we ate some chicken. it was so good and it was time to hit the London streets. after 10 minutes, we got ran into trouble. some of the guys on the streets started to yell at me and I stop to hear him. He was very aggressive and I didn't care because if he wants to fight, we can fight. I'm not, because I know how to fight. but my friends told me to chill because they don't fight, they kill sad my friend. I was confused, but I smart enough to listen to my friend. after we had walked for 10 minutes, we ran into a demonstration where they were talking about how young people are suffering from gangs and violence. all my friends joint the demonstration fast because we just experienced the violent between the teenagers. after some time everybody wanted to join the demonstration because they so that we had a point. every 16 minutes a teenager get stabbed because of the gang and violent. we so some kids who looked a little species. they started to be really aggressive. one of the people who were with us in the demonstration started to talk, to them and after some time they begin to understand our point. we was very happy because we wanted to stop the violence between the young boys. we both know that a 15 years old boy stabbing another 15 years old kid isn't okay. but our demonstration finally started working and we were very happy about it of course.

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