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Poetic Justice

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 24/12/2008
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Poetic Justice
Martin Jessen Engelsk aflevering D. 10-11-2008 Poetic justice The text is written by Diana Appleyard, and was published in Days of Wine and roses, Black Swan, London 2004. In this story, we hear about a girl who was terrible in love with a guy, at the age of seventeen the time they went to school together, but that is not the time zone the story takes place. It starts out with the woman receiving a mail from her long lost boyfriend, which she feels a little guilty about reading, or even thinking about reading it. This sort of sets off the story, and from that point we are drawn back to her past, and being given the story of their relationship. I am assuming

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