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Gun violence

Fag: Engelsk
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Gun violence
In America is gun violence almost a part of the every day, almost every week someone gets injured or even killed. There are many theories about why USA has so much gun violence. Someone blame America`s history, and someone says that it is because that it is very easy to get a gun I America School shooting: Columbine High There were two shooters in the massacre their name were: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. They were students at Columbine High. Tuesday the 20Th April 1999 they killed 12 other students and 1 teacher, and wounded 24 others. The shooting started at lunch time were most of the students were in the canteen, but no one got killed there, those who were there fled. Eric and Dylan had 10 minutes before the shooting placed 2 bombs in canteen; they were supposed to go off when the canteen was full. Eric and Dylan would then stand by the exit and

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