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Animal Factory

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 24/11/2010
Klassetrin:10. klasse
Antal sider:1
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JulieWeiling gav 3.0 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Animal Factory
Skribentens beskrivelse af Animal Factory
Animal factory ­ summary Ronnie is a young boy with all his opportunities open, and one day the police find Mauna for 2000 dollars. He ends up in jail. Ronnie meets Earl Copen pretty fast. Earl Copen rules the prison, he has a lot of friends and has a lot of distribute, because he talks to one of the guards. Ronnie gets help from Earl from the start, he protects him. Ronnie is new kid in jail, and he doesn't know about all the things that happen in jail. Rape and violence. He's in doubt He is in doubt Earl will help him or use him. The guards scare him! Ronnie gets a different impression from people about how he should be in prison. One day the black makes a strike. It ends up in a fight and one of the prisoners is badly wounded

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