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The Amish adventure

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 15/12/2013
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Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The Amish adventure
It’s about a boy, which father works as an engineer for an oil company. The company tells the dad, that he has a job that would last at least six months, which means that Ian (the son) should be home alone in six months because his mother is dead. So his dad decides to send him to his aunt, who lives in Chicago. On the way to Chicago, Ian sees a brown object, when they get closer to the object the driver realises the object, and hits the brake as quickly as he can react. The driver didn’t hit the brake in time, so they drove directly into the brown thing. When they hit the brown object, it directly felt to the ground. They found out it was a horse with a buggy. They decide to leave the car and found out they’ve killed the horse, they also saw that there was a kid bending over the dead horse, while he was trying to get his leg free from the heavy buggy wheel. Ian could see that his face was contorted with pain. The man and the kid wore black hats with wide round brims (characteristic clothes for an Amish). The long bearded man stood up genteelly sad. He couldn’t stand on his feet, because of the hard injury (long bearded means that he is married. After an Amish person gets married, he doesn’t shave his beard). The police came, and saw that an ambulance was needed to help the man.

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