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Shining mountain summary

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 09/11/2015
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Shining mountain summary
UDDRAG: Summary of The Shining Mountain By Alison Fell Pangma-La is called after a shining mountain by her father. Her father is a famous mountaineer. Because of his big succes she feels forced to not be ordinary. Pangma-La does anything so her father wouldn't be disappointed. Pangma-La trains hard to climb the mountain, but on the way up, she meets a Sherpa woman, that will carry her bag and give her a bag with swan downs. At the first day she said no, but the second day she was so exhausted and she gives the woman her bag. The father climbed on and on and Pangma-La tries hard to keep up with him, suddenly the dizziness took over. She gives her heart to the Sherpa, and gets swan feathers and flews up on the mountain easily.

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Summary The Shining Mountain

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