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Skribentens beskrivelse af Reklame
Joel Davis from the Islington in London was winner of the people of the year 2014, and that was my Dream to meet him a day. And that day is today. Joel Davis is born in 1995 in London, and leaving in the district Islington. He is from a poor family, as not have so many moneys to live on. His mother is sick, so at the same time he goes in school so he can live out of his dream's he has for his future, should he help he sick mother, make the homework, perhaps he also have a job, so he can pay for that medicine his mother need to, so she can be healthy and other resource they need. I will say he is a kid there not have get any help in his life, and now will he stop that. Now he is nominated to get an award for the young people of the Year 2014. For a fanatic's idea, a tutoring system with Homework helps where more than 170 get help and that is also poor children achieve higher grades, but also the university have copied his idea and many other. I love this boy, his idea can help so many people witches their homework, so they have a chance to break the negative social legacy. We can learned very much of Joel Davis, because he is a people there not think about that he could have, but he think about the future. Many young people are not good to help their parents, because they have all what they need. Then their parents it's very sick can they coming on the hospital and money to pay for medicine and other things they need then, they are sick.

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