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Fantastic tales

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 21/09/2017
Klassetrin:3.g el. lign
Antal sider:2
Filinfo: pdf-formatpdf-format (218KB)
freja.ledsgaard gav 3.0 stjerner af 5 Log ind for at downloade Fantastic tales
Skribentens beskrivelse af Fantastic tales
The year is 1955. My grandmother has just become pregnant with her firth child within a short period in four years. She is tired. I wish her father would have paid for the education at the home economics school, which she with pleasure would done. But the answer is no. One of her older sisters was about to obtain an education, that was expensive enough! She doesn’t have the strength to another child. She turns to the chief surgeon at the city’s small hospital, he is said to be making illegal abortions.

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Fantastic tales

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