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Holiday in South Africa

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 22/01/2018
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Antal sider:4
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Holiday in South Africa
I am now arrived at the Cape Town airport, and I'm ready for my holiday. This holiday was a little bit different from others because this time I was going to live with a family in a small village in cape town. I decided to do this because I want to get closer to the culture because I think the culture in South Africa is very interesting. The family's dad got me from the airport, and bring me to their home. We arrived at the village and I could see the house I was going to live in for five days. The family is standing outside of the house and they are looking very sweet. When I got out of the car the family and some of their friends meet me with a traditional welcome song. The family was five members and I'm going to share a room with the oldest sister Marook and we actually become very good friends.

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