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The Woman of Letters

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 27/11/2018
Klassetrin:3.g el. lign
Antal sider:3
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Skribentens beskrivelse af The Woman of Letters
The short story “The Woman of Letters” is written by the author Angela Readmann and was published in 2015. Readmann is an English writer of poems and short stories, who has received many awards. The female narrator in “The Woman of Letters” is the only woman who can read, write and understand English in her area. It is an ability she uses to help other girls marry men from overseas. Sitting in front of her computer, she acts as a translator between May, who is a woman from her village, who works as a prostitute and a dancer, and a Canadian man. The protagonist helps these women to find the big love of their lives, all while she charges money from the women for her services although they do not have many money to live for. The protagonist own life is unfulfilled, she mourns the loss of her happy life and her marriage that she lost to a Russian woman.

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