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Indian camp summery

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 17/12/2019
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Indian camp summery
Indian camp summery ` Indian Camp ? is a short story by Ernest Hemingway, what happens in the story is that Nick Adams and Nick's father arrive at the lake shore with Nick's Uncle George. Two Indians are waiting there to pick them up. Nick and his father stand in the stern while the Indian is rowing. Nick asks where they are going, and his father replies that they are going to the Indian camp because an Indian woman is very sick. The boats arrive on shore and they all walk through a meadow to the woods. Nick, his father, and his uncle George enter the shanty nearest the road. Inside, they find an Indian woman who has been in labor for two days. She is lying on the bottom bunk of a bed. While Her husband is on the upper bunk. When she cries out in pain, Nick’s father explains that she hurts because her muscles are trying to get the baby out of her body. Nick asks if he can give her anything to make the pain stop, but Nick's father answers that he does not have any anesthetic. Nick's father boils some medical instruments and washes his hands carefully. He explains to Nick that babies are supposed to be born headfirst but sometimes become turned around. He says that he may have to operate on this woman. When he does operate, several men must hold the woman down, and then a boy is born. Nick's father says that the father of the baby must be very excited. He goes over to the father and pulls back his blanket. But the father had committed suicide. Nick's father tells Uncle George to take Nick away, but he does not do so before Nick sees his father tip the Indian father's head back. On the way home, Nick’s father apologizes for bringing him, all his excitement gone. Nick asks if a woman always a hard time has having babies. The answer from his father is no. Nick then asks why the man killed himself, to which his father replies that he must not have been able to stand things. Nick start asking a lot of questions to his dad, about dead. There is silence, the sun is coming up, a fish jumps, and Nick runs his fingers through the water. Nick thinks to himself that he is pretty sure that he will never die.

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Summary of Indian Camp

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