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James bond

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Skribentens beskrivelse af James bond
Summery: James Bond (007) is a British top Secret agent. Only the very best SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) agent had work names, which began with, double O. James Bond is called into his boss office, M, because one of the British Agent, John Strangway and his assistant, Mary Trueblood was disappeared. His office had been sat on fire and everything in it was destroyed. The Acting Governor of Jamaica thought that he had ran away with the girl to the island Jamaica, and M agreed with what The Acting Governor had said. Bond disagreed with what M had told him. Bond knew Strangways, and he would never leave his job, because he loved it. M wanted Bond to take the next flight to Jamaica and find out what really happened with commander Strangways and his assistant, Mary Trueblood. But for six weeks ago, M had asked Strangways to investigate a small island between Jamaica and Cuba called Grab Key. A Chinese man, called Dr. No owned Grab Key. Why M had send Strangeway on this mission is because that there were some really rare bird there, but there was a complaint, that some of these rare birds had been killed, or scared away.

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