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Marilyn Monroe

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 30/09/2013
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Marilyn Monroe
In 1926 a girl was born in the charity ward at the Los Angeles County Hospital who would become one of the most celebrated and enduring icons of all time – Marilyn Monroe. Her birth name was Norma Jeane Mortenson. Norma Jeane Mortenson’s childhood was volatile as she was passed from family members to family friends and frequently stayed in orphanages as a result of her mother’s mental health. To avoid another orphanage stay a family friend arranged a marriage proposal when she was sixteen years old. When her husband was sent to the Pacific with the merchant marine, Norma Jeane began working. In 1945 a photographer took a snapshot of the stunning brunette at the factory, and within months she became a successful model securing dozens of magazine covers and a screen test with 20th Century Fox Studio executives, directors and photographers immediately recognized her ability to capture and hold the attention of anyone on the opposite end of a camera lens. By the end of 1946 her hair had become a platinum shade of blonde and her name was changed to Marilyn Monroe.

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