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Dusk over Atlantic Wharf

Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 18/10/2017
Klassetrin:3.g el. lign
Antal sider:2
Filinfo: pdf-formatpdf-format (317KB)
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Dusk over Atlantic Wharf
1. The story is about an Indian couple: Lata and Anuj. Their marriage was arranged by their parents. They have lived in India but now they are living together in Cardiff. Anuj has lived in Cardiff for six years but Lata has only lived there for 4 months. One day they want to go the cinema and watch a Bollywood film. When they arrive Lata can see girls who are dressed in a provocative way. When the movie starts Lata stares greedily at the screen, her eyes devouring the background images of her hometown. Lata is so aborted in the movie that she makes loud comments to the film. Anuj tries to tell her that it is bad manners. When the movie ends she is back to the reality of her life in England and she is crying.

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