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Fag: Engelsk
Uploadet: 28/09/2010
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Antal sider:2
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Skribentens beskrivelse af Flight
Flight One day they were a girl and she and her sister was going on Mac Donald's. They got a lift of the mom and the sisters get in and got a table. They got to the disk to order they foot and a moment later they was down to the table and begins to eat but suddenly the oldest sister told her sister that she is fat. The youngest sister just looks up at the sister's face and then she begins to cry and ran home. Next day she wake up and look in the mirror and then so she decided to lose weight fast so she got down in the kitchen and got breakfast and then she was finish she got to the toilet and threw it all up. That was what she did in nearly 6 months and she was white all over her and she looks like a ghost and she was thin as

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